How to create better marketing campaigns with Sharelov’s New Campaign launcher?
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How to create better marketing campaigns with Sharelov’s New Campaign launcher?

January 30, 2018

Your friends at Sharelov are always cooking up new features to make your team collaborative workflow even more effective. That is why we have completely redesigned the New Campaign launcher and added collaborative tools that will help you launch better marketing campaigns!

A proper campaign brief prepares your troops for a more efficient production

Sharelov Blog Campaign Brief File Support


At the core of the New Campaign launcher is the campaign brief, which allows you to share with your team all the details and supplementary documents needed to set them up for successful campaign development every time.

A comprehensive campaign brief provides your content development teammates with an action plan to follow. A detailed campaign brief will inform your team what the campaign is meant to accomplish and how it plays out in the brand’s broader marketing efforts.

Briefing is a key component to great campaign development

Effective briefing is an important function marketing professionals need to master. Too much information can cause information overload and overwhelm your teammates, yet too little information can drive your teammates in the wrong strategic direction and cause them to waste time. The Briefer is responsible for assessing all the relevant information the team needs and sharing that information in a precise and clear manner.           

Effective campaign briefs can include:

  • Background information to help your team understand the context for the campaign
  • SMART objectives: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time scaled
  • Description of the products and/or services to promote
  • Target market information   
  • Budget for the campaign
  • Deliverables
  • Due dates
  • Any additional information the team should be aware of

Easily share all your campaign documents with your team

Sharelov Blog Campaign Brief Key Component

Sharelov allows you to upload all the creative assets your team might need to work on the campaign. Our platform supports Adobe PSDs, PDFs, PowerPoint (.ppt), Word (.doc), Excel (.xls), images, videos, audio and GIFs.

No need to use third-party apps or tools to upload assets for your teammates or clients to download and review. You can see images and GIFs, watch videos and download all other media directly on Sharelov.

Sharelov’s platform will allow you to:

  • Save time by sharing with your team members the latest version of each asset. Stop shuffling through endless versions of assets, including images, videos or GIFs. Always have the final version updated on Sharelov and keep everybody on the same page seamlessly.
  • Save time uploading assets to send to clients for approval or waiting for permission from file owners on storage sites to view creative assets.
  • Preview creative assets exactly as they will publish on offline, online, social media or any other type of media.Experience flawless drafts that are ready to go as soon as they’re approved by the client.
  • Play video files or GIFs exactly as they will publish, without the need to upload to other sites. As soon as it’s on Sharelov, it will be ready to upload and post to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or Youtube.
  • Easily share huge video files with your clients for feedback and approval.
  • Keep track of your teammates progress in real time with the Sharelov’s activity feed and To Dos features.

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Briefing your team via Sharelov can also save you time and money as collaborators can review all the campaign’s details when it is most convenient, without the need to disrupt their schedule with a team meeting.  

The New Campaign launcher also boasts a redesigned campaign tags feature, which lets you easily create campaign labels to group creative assets by themes. Filter out posts by status and/or tag; see your campaign calendar in a cleaner format with only the posts you need to review. This makes the approval process even easier for clients since they can focus on specific posts that are more important or other vital components of your campaign.

Assign tasks to teammates to get the campaign rolling

Sharelov Blog Campaign Brief To Dos


The New Campaign launcher also lets you assign To Do items to individuals with due dates. Organizing a campaign with deliverables and assigning the team members responsible for each item is a surefire way to get your project up and running in no time.

By assigning campaign To Dos you can define the first set of action items that need to be worked on and who will be responsible. Your teammates will receive notifications with their tasks to take on the moment they are assigned.

Campaign To Dos are neatly presented in each campaign’s To Do tab, so that everyone in the team is on the same page. To Dos can be quickly checked when completed to keep everyone up to date.   

Campaign To Dos in Sharelov can be used to define the principal deliverables that need to be completed by the team. They can also be used to request work on new campaign execution ideas as they develop during a project.

To Dos can be assigned by any member of the brand team. Once you invite a client to a campaign, they can also add To Dos to the list. This is helpful in establishing priorities and meeting your client’s expectations about delivery dates. Creating campaigns is a team effort and we want to help your team work better together.

You can also assign To Dos to clients, such as setting a due date for a layout approval that needs to go to print or a budget approval for a new advertising campaign. This will save your team and your client much valued time and get projects started (and finished) faster. The opportunities to optimize your creative workflow are massive! Don’t you just love Sharelov?

We at Sharelov believe that organization and communication are key factors that help teams improve their creative workflow. We’re always looking to improve how marketing teams collaborate and love to build solutions that make the campaign production experience more valuable and enjoyable.

Can’t wait to get started on your next campaign with Sharelov’s New Campaign launcher? Let us know what your favorite feature is or how your team achieves their goals with Sharelov!

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