The World’s Easiest Guide To Facebook Cover Sizes For Images And Videos

The World’s Easiest Guide to Facebook Cover Photos: Sizes, Techniques, Examples, and Free Template for Marketers

January 26, 2019

How would you like to take a giant step toward competing with big-name brands on Facebook?

Find out how to use your Facebook cover photo to capture attention, boost engagement, and increase conversions.

These techniques are so easy that  you’ll be tripping over yourself to share them with your team by the time you finish reading!

We’ll start by giving you the exact sizing requirements for Facebook cover photos and cover videos.

Before we get started, let’s take a quick look at why Facebook’s cover photo is so important to the success of your brand.

Why the Facebook Cover Photo is Crucial to Your Success as a Business

Did you know there are over 80 million businesses using Facebook on a regular basis?

If you want your brand to get seen then you need to stand out.

With over 1.4 billion people logging onto Facebook for an average of 13 ½ minutes daily, Facebook marketing for business is a must for brands wanting to reach consumers interested in connecting with brands.

Second only to Google in site popularity, Facebook remains the most-visited social media network - by a long shot.

A recent survey found that 52% of U.S. consumers have reported seeing a product they’re interested in on Facebook.

But big numbers mean big competition.

Your Facebook cover photo is the first thing newcomers and followers see when they visit your page. For many, it will be the first impression they get of your business.

Facebook cover photo isn’t only for people who visit your page. When your followers share, react, and comment on your content, then their friends see your post in their newsfeed.

Then, when people scroll over your business name, it brings up a preview of your Page’s cover photo.

Despite the competition, there are ways that businesses – including yours – can catch the attention of consumers and make a lasting first impression.

We’ve compiled the best 10 tips for Facebook cover photos to help you get noticed so you can expand your reach and increase your engagement.

Facebook Cover Photo Sizes and Specs

This is an easy one because we’re going to give you all the information you need to provide the perfect-size image for your Facebook cover photo.

Best Facebook Cover Photo Size =  820 X 462 pixels

The 820 X 462 px image size is recommended because it works for both desktop and mobile devices. Use image or text in PNG format for the best results.

  • Desktop displays at: 820 X 312 pixels
  • Smartphones display at:  640 X 360 pixels.
  • Minimum size: 400 X 150
  • Fastest-loading format & size: sRGB JPG file: 851 X 315 pixels, less than 100 kb file size
  • Best-looking format: PNG file

When sizing for mobile, you’ll notice that the top and bottom 75 pixels is shaded red. The areas shaded red are visible only on mobile devices and do not show up in the desktop version of your cover photo.

Sizing your Facebook cover photo correctly will help you to be sure that your image’s quality can compete with big-name brands.

Facebook Cover Video Sizes and Specs

Yes! You also have the option of replacing your cover photo with a video that’s between 20 – 90 seconds long. Here are the sizing requirements for Facebook cover videos:

Best Facebook Cover Video Size: 820 X 462

  • Length: 20 – 90 seconds
  • File Size: 100kb or less
  • Minimum: 820 X 312 px
  • Autoplay: Auto-plays without sound. View must tap for sound.
  • Cropping: Like the cover photo, you can reposition videos and choose

Cover videos display at the same size as images and change viewing size depending on the device. Be sure to check your cropping on both desktop and mobile devices!

Facebook Cover Photo/Video Sizes and Specs

5 Techniques for Facebook Cover Photos That Get Noticed

There are a handful of ways to craft cover photos and videos that look amazing on your Facebook business page. In this section, we’ll show you 5 different techniques that big brands use to capture attention with their cover photos and videos.

1.  Balance the Weight of Your Profile Picture

Since all Facebook cover photos are positioned to the right of a profile picture, you can create a beautiful aesthetic by balancing the “weight” with another object on the opposite side.

To do this, simply display an object on the far right side of your Facebook cover photo.

SEO marketer Rand Fishkin nails this technique by placing the tip of an airplane and full propeller on the right side of his cover photo.

Notice how the plane helps to “balance out” his profile image for an impressive whole-screen view?

Since the smaller profile image shows up on both desktop and mobile screens, this technique creates fantastic aesthetics across all types of devices.

Subway Sandwiches takes a similar approach with its Cover video.

Its Facebook page greets visitors with a delicious-looking stack of sandwiches sitting motionless on the left side of the screen. Suddenly, a bright red and white clown’s arm appears from the right to steal a sandwich.

In Subway’s cover video, we see the clown hand reach for a sandwich and pull it away – over and over again.

Not only does the clown arm do a great job of adding “weight” to the right side of the video image, but it also draws the viewer’s eye toward the “send message” button on the lower right side of the screen.

2. Use Your Cover Image to Direct the Viewer’s Attention

If your profile includes CTA buttons, or if your image includes a small headline, you can easily direct viewer’s attention toward these important points without using tacky arrows or clipart.

One way to do this is by adding motion near the CTA button, as Subway did in the example above.

Another, even better way is to show a person or animal gazing toward the CTA or headline.

For example, TV show So You Think You Can Dance uses this technique to draw attention to a small CTA headline in the upper right corner of their cover image.

A photo of video with a person (or pet!) glancing in a specific direction can be a very effective way to encourage engagement with your guests.

3. Include Faces in Your Photos

Our brains are drawn to human faces, and studies show that using faces instead of products or objects can improve conversion rates up to 95%.

Including real people in your Facebook cover photos and videos also help your audience to connect with your brand on a more human level.

For example, Pier 1 Imports cover video shows a captivating woman holding a guitar, and you can’t help but pay attention.

Guess Clothing uses a simple, but stunning, image of 3 models walking in the outdoors. The image is nearly impossible to look away from!

Daily Burn Fitness App also includes faces on their cover image, however, we can’t help but wonder how much is too much?

Daily Burn does an amazing job of connecting with their followers by posting this image of a group of their trainers.

This image probably works great for their current customers who already know and love the trainers.

However, a new visitor might not be as drawn to the image.

That’s because when you begin to include too many faces, the viewer doesn’t know where to look — so you can lose the impact that faces normally have on a viewer.

4. Showoff Stunning Photography with a Simple, Centered Object

If you have the ability to create stunning photography, let it shine by displaying only one centered object on your cover photo.

In the example below, Rolex watches shows how simplicity can have a stunning effect when combined with masterful photography.

5. Use Text with Caution

any brands choose to forgo imagery and opt for text cover images and videos. This approach can work well if you keep the text simple and the character-count low.

For example, Chanel brand uses only text in their Facebook cover photo. Notice how the font is simple and there are only 6 characters: CHANEL

Hubspot Academy takes a similar approach but adds a bit of fun using video effects.

There are many ways to make your Facebook cover images and photos “pop.” Some brands, like Whole Foods, come up with their own way to catch attention.

You’ll notice that the Whole Foods example follows none of the standard tips, but they make it work anyway!

However, if you’re a business that doesn’t have a professional designer on staff, you may want to stick to the more basic tips above to ensure that your imagery looks fabulous and encourages people to engage with your brand.

Quick Tips for Producing High-Quality Facebook Cover Photos

Now that you know what kind of cover photos will make the biggest “splash,” here are a few quick production tips to help ensure your success:

  • Always test your images on both desktop and mobile devices to be sure your cover looks great.
  • Switch it up! Change your cover frequently, especially during the holidays.
  • Include CTA’s and links in your cover image description.
  • If you don’t have Photoshop, try using Canva design software for beautiful, easy Facebook cover designs.
  • If you need a wider selection of images, check out Unsplash, Pexels, or Gratisography for free stock photos (always check licensing permissions before use).
  • Be sure to read, understand, and follow Facebook Page cover guidelines.
  • Social Media Marketing is better in teams! Sharelov’s team collaboration software lets your team work together seamlessly for every type of marketing campaign you need. Drop by and give it a free try today!

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All Eyes on On Your Facebook Cover Photo or Video

According to a study by, 90% of the information processed by your brain is visual and you take it in 60,000 times faster than words on a page.

Plus, visuals help people to learn quicker and remember more.

Use high-quality imagery in your Facebook cover photos and in all your social media profiles to help people learn about and remember your brand, so they return again and again!

The World’s Easiest Guide To Facebook Cover Sizes For Images And Videos

Definitive Guide on Facebook's Cover Photo: Sizes, Tips & Free Template
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